Raida Kleid - Madswick PDF Schnittmuster


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The Raida Dress is a dress full of special details. This includes a round circular yoke, pin tucks, gathered yoke, binding hem, collar stand, and ruffles, You can choose from 3 view options, short and long sleeve options, and 3-length options (knee, mini with ruffle, midi).

This INTERMEDIATE LEVEL sewing pattern has BEGINNER FRIENDLY sewing instructions and illustrations to make this pattern possible for those just starting their sewing journey. You will learn how to create tucks, gather, create buttonholes, sew on buttons, add a collar stand, and hem a garment. The skills in this garment are beginner-level, but it is ranked as an intermediate pattern due to the number of steps.

IM DOWNLOAD enthalten
- Ausführliche Anleitung mit klaren Illustrationen

- Verschachtelte Print at home Dateien (US Letter + A4 kompatibel) mit Ebenen.
- Großformatige Datei (A0/Copyshop)

Die Nahtzugabe ist im Schnittmuster enthalten, 13 mm überall.

Sprache: Englisch

Muster: pdf, Sie erhalten eine E-Mail nach dem Kauf.

Sizing: Size 1-13 American size,see size chart and refer to the measurements.

Geeignete Stoffe: 

This pattern is designed for light to midweight fabrics such as cotton lawn, poplin, linen, shirting, viscose, Tencel, lyocel or silk. Heavier fabric is not recommended for this pattern as it makes gathering the gathered yoke on view C and making the button stand on view A difficult to sew.

Please note that the amount of fabric needed might be a bit more that what you'd really need, it's vary depending on the variation of the dress that you want to make. It would be better to first buy the pattern and then the fabric. If you need help don't hesitate to ask me.

Dieses Muster oder das daraus entstehende Kleidungsstück darf nicht für den Wiederverkauf verwendet oder verändert werden.